decompy | A Python package containing several robust algorithms for matrix decomposition and analysis.
Multi PDF Querybot | This is a simple application where you can upload a PDF document and chat with LLM using a RAG created via in-memory vector store
ChronoModeler | A streamlit application to perform simulation experiments with different models on time series data, using a blueprint based system. Useful for non-stat-savvy people to get quick sense of how modelling works.
callgrind-reader | An npm package written in typescript to parse callgrind like files and extract profiling metrics from code
Pwdmgr | An open source python application for lightweight password management system through console.
rsvddpd | An R package to perform robust singular value decomposition using minimum density power divergence estimator
roufcp | A python package to perform gradual changepoint detection in a time series data using Rough-Fuzzy set theory
COVID 19 Tracker | A Dashboard for Prediction and Control assistance and management of resources in view of Covid-19 pandemic, sponsored by IIM, Vishakhapatnam
Chatbot with Seq2Seq model | A simple Chatbot with Seq2Seq model with Bahadau Attention Mechanism trained on Cornell Movie Corpus dataset.
A simple Text Prediction Application | A simple text prediction application built for Data Science Specialization in Coursera.